Author: KRMWS

The world of technology has evolved so much that despite all the conveniences, it seems to have a dark sinister side. Modern technology, particularly the internet and social media, has spawned a number of cyberbullying incidents that are freaking out all internet users. With the 
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Children are born-learners, and studies suggest that they are much more intelligent on picking up and mastering specific skills compared to the capabilities of grown-up individuals. The most important thing that a child requires at every stage while growing up is all-encompassed support and guidance 
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The imprint of technology is so evident in every part of our lives that it has become entwined with our very existence. It affects all the facets of life, right from how we live, work, play, and most significantly, how we learn. The wireless devices, 
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During those fundamental years of life, when a toddler learns to strengthen the steps over the ground and gradually turns into an adolescent, an individual’s mind exists like the best responsive mold, over which, any kind of shape can be created. Since a kid’s psyche 
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The evolved new millennium acknowledges the World Wide Web (WWW) as one of its prime lifeline for assuring both continuous progress and wholesome daily sustenance. To ‘belong’ to the global society of the 22nd century in the literal sense, people of today are expected to 
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The trend of education and academic training in the late century is unquestionably valuable for a bright future. After all, a promising future begins from education. But pacing with today’s modernistic approach of the communal environment requires the young population to be up-to-date with the 
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Making the best use of the time requires proper planning, prioritizing, and scheduling of tasks. Generally, adults are aware of this skill, but for children, time management and organizing skills are often lightly touched upon in everyday life. However, it is one of the most 
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Language skills with strong vocabulary are ideally considered the part and parcel of strong communication abilities. But what you all generally do to build your child’s language skills? Try hard to teach and train the kid to write words and see to it that the 
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In the recent times of globalization, no individual can remain isolated from others. Neither is it virtuous, nor feasible. One definitely needs to cooperate and socialize with others in order to progress in life and to develop into a normal social being. Lack of effective 
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Most children tend to look at studies as an exasperating task, and that too, when it comes to Mathematics, it is often considered one herculean job. Understanding and solving math questions can seem difficult, and to some extent, yes, it is. But, trust us, math 
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