Author: KRMWS

As a parent, you are used to meltdowns and tantrums of your young ones at the oddest hours and for the weirdest of reasons. We tend to think of our children as incapable of understanding or processing the emotional complexities. Most parents have the tendency 
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Whether you’re dining out with friends or eating at a restaurant or a relative’s place or even at home, good table manners are important. That too for kids, it has to be taught as a part of every meal. The table manners that the kids 
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Does your child have trouble keeping one thing in mind while he/she is doing something else? For instance, suppose he/she is helping you in the kitchen and the phone rings and attending the call made him/her forget all about going back to the kitchen. If 
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Parents have a sacred duty to provide their children with their temporal needs that includes the basics like shelter, food, and clothing, and also the luxuries like toys. The duty of a parent does not end at providing the immediate needs of a child and 
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Learning is a lifelong process and the sources of learning are never confined to the academic sphere. An individual can learn from literally anything and everything that is around. The main purpose of learning, as propounded by renowned educationists and philosophers is the holistic development 
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The phase after you are done with your 12th standard is one of the most crucial periods of life for any student. It is the time to choose a career path and work towards the goal of attaining your dream job. As a student of 
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An ISA activity with the aim to acquaint students about the National Tree and National Flower of different countries around the world like Australia, Bangladesh, Canada, UAE, U.K, and India was organized on 14th December, 2017. Parents were invited for the same and they appreciated 
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Technology has become a part of life today and has led to so many changes, both in the way we think and learn. When it comes to education, it is even more interesting to know how technology has advanced rapidly in this sphere, transforming the 
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We understand that for students as well as the parents, exam time is the most strenuous time of the year. You put in a lot of efforts and time to prepare yourself as much as possible for this particular time. You not only prepare your 
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It is the exam season these days; that time of the year when students strive hard to perform their best in the exams. But in their endeavor to achieve and perform better, at times students tend to ignore the other important aspects, one of which 
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