Author: KRMWS

Technology is ubiquitous and is entwined in every aspect of modern lifestyle and culture. The digital revolution that is taking the world by storm has started making an ingress into the domain of education. It is fast changing the way children learn and as a 
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The advent of digitalization has taken the world by storm through its remarkable and robust impact on industries and its systems. the best university in gurgaon One has to agree, today, there is barely any corner left on the planet that has not been brushed 
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Life is not only about receiving, but also about giving, sharing and caring. One has always dreamt of doing good to others. Even I had the same thought when Ms. Anuradha selected me for the school’s Interact Club of our school. This club is all 
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The outcome of a fully and throughly lived wisdom in the middle of the ordinary life, relations, dealing with circumstances, is humbleness acquired through compassion to ourselves. We rise and fall so many times: we see the truth, and we fall into identification with the 
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‘Prevention is better than cure’ Believe it or not, we are living in a polluted world. According to a recent study, there would not be any place left on Earth which would be pollution free. It is disheartening to know that smoke from factories is 
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Examination stress: it could be defined as a type of heightened anxiety caused by extreme pressure of exams affecting a student before, during and after an examination. It is a serious issue dealt with by students throughout their academic life. Stress is a human feeling 
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‘Cleanliness is next to Godliness’. We often hear this adage. If we turn the pages of history; we find that many great thinkers and philosophers have laid emphasis regarding cleanliness. Our father of the Nation, Bapuji, was one among them to preach and teach this 
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Earth is the only planet in universe where life is possible only because of the availability of water and oxygen. Water is most necessary for all the living things, without it no one can exist! Water is a precious gift to humans by nature. Three-fourth 
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When wars and conflicts totally cease, In our world, there shall be peace. People must learn to get along, Not blame others, for being wrong. They fight for control, fight for land, Some just need a helping hand. We must rid ourselves of vanity, And 
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A friend is like a star that twinkles and glow Or maybe like a ocean that gently flows A friend is like gold that you should treasure And take care of forever and ever A friend is like an angel that is there to guide 
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