Author: KRMWS

Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school _ Albert Einstein With the rolling of time, the entire notion and approach to education have witnessed a radical evolution. The modern academic world is gradually moving out of the rigid 
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There was a time not too long ago when education was all about three things – arithmetic, writing, and reading. These were considered to be the basic skills deemed essential to ensure a successful future for our children. We have come a long way from 
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Quality education aims at providing children with a wider view of life and opportunities.   Learning the textbook information is never the entire extent of knowledge that true education intends to impart. It is the holistic learning that remains the focus of education. We believe that 
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Education and holistic development of children cannot be considered complete without a wholesome approach. Ideally, apart from imbibing the textbook lessons, there are several other aspects that must be incorporated within the process of learning to make it infallible. Group discussion is surely one such 
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As the popular adage mentions, “A good teacher is like a candle – It consumes itself to light the way for others.” Teachers are an integral part of the education system and can be regarded as the pillar of the structure as well. No matter 
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In today’s world, students have to leverage their capabilities with the right mix of skills and knowledge to stand ahead. For this, an academic environment that fosters collaborations with academic bodies and institutions across the world proves immensely beneficial in providing the learners with an 
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The domain of education has always remained a subject for research and has experienced continuous evolution through its process. Today, education comes wrapped in the cover of modern approaches and progressive learning methods, devised through multi-level research and developments. One such revolutionary change has been 
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Curiosity lays the foundation of learning. If a child is curious by nature and asks questions about every little thing he/she comes across, it is regarded as a positive attitude towards learning. At times, the repetitive questions might seem to be bothering for the elders, 
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Heritage and culture always play a critical role in shaping the overall personality and character of an individual. This is why, apart from regular education, exposure to the right cultural environment is also a must to groom kids into better human beings. However, introduction to 
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Education does not refer to the process of making the children aware of the developments or the world around them. Instead, the real objective of education lies in grooming the children into humble and socially connected human beings, reflecting the values and morals they have 
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