Author: KRMWS

Successful use of any innovation lies in meticulous use of the same. So is the case for modern gadgets and the internet. It has invaded every sphere of our lives. Adults, as well as children, have grown accustomed to the habit of browsing the internet 
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The mind is the powerhouse of immense potential and plays an instrumental role in shaping the approach of an individual towards life. It is like a mirror that reflects our thoughts and perceptions, and if trained appropriately, it has the power to make one see 
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Children are like molten glass. What shape they take in the future largely depends on the environment they grow in and the way they are dealt with. Our surroundings have an impact on our upbringing, and it decides who we become ultimately. One such thoughtful 
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The digital era has reached a point where pretty much everything, right from learning and entertainment to shopping, is available right at the touch of a button. But it comes at a crucial price! No, we are not talking about the price in terms of 
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Everybody knows that diet plays a critical role in the overall growth and development of children. If the diet remains inadequate or isn’t nutritious enough, it leads to many health issues. But do you know that diet also has a direct connection with the memory?  
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Sports are an integral part of growing up. Besides having sound academics, sports are also crucial for the holistic development of children. Sports activities not only boost the level of energy and fortify the body with a strong immunity but also serves to reinvigorate the 
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“Practice is the best of all instructors.” – And that explains it all. Once said by the world-renowned Latin writer, best known for his sententiae, Publilius Syrus, the above saying holds in-depth meaning when it comes to demonstrating the significance of practice in learning. Practice 
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Diet decides a lot when it comes to health, and for the little ones, it is of paramount importance to build a practice of healthy diet to ensure wholesome nutrition and uninterrupted growth. It is important that children are encouraged from an early age to 
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‘Words are singularly the most powerful force available to humanity. We can choose to use this force constructively with words of encouragement, or destructively using words of despair.’ _ Yehuda Berg The upbringing of children plays a crucial role in building their futures, out-spreading its 
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Everything and everyone around a child influences their behaviors in early childhood and well beyond. It is a fact that children’s relationship with their peers has a major role in influencing their social, emotional, and psychological development. Indeed, peer influence is remarkably powerful and impactful 
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