Author: KRMWS

You can ask any child about his/her favorite part of the day and the chances are that you will hear only one word i.e. the ‘playtime.’ Children all over the world, regardless of their location or the background that they come from, want nothing more 
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Naughtiness is something that’s innatein kids. Rarely will you come across any kid who portrays silent and sober behavior. And though we believe that this naughtiness should be thoroughly enjoyed as with age this phase shall pass, we also understand that at times this naughty 
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In today’s digitalized and technologically advanced world, our society and the industry has progressed at a phenomenal rate. However, reading a traditional book and writing creative content has still not lost its importance in the gathering of knowledge and exploring of new ideas and imagination. 
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Mathematics plays a big role in our life. No matter where we go or what we do, we will always need mathematics in some way or the other. In spite of this immense importance, it is considered to be one of the most feared subjects 
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Almost all children are prone to throwing tantrums and parents generally get quite used to it in the growing years of a child. While a rare case of throwing tantrums is okay, the problem arises when this becomes a habit with them and that is 
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The festive time of Lord Ganesha is all about welcoming the most beloved God with a lot of zeal and fervor. Though the time of the year marks the religious worships with a delicate treat for the tastebuds, there are so many legends and stories 
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As popularly said by one of the most prominent professionals,Dr. Ravi Samuel, the best way to motivate any child would be to trigger their interest in doing the desired activity. This would make the child get involved in the process, help him/her learn and to 
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In the current times, yoga has grown not only in popularity but also has been accepted worldwide by all kinds of health professionals who attest to the effectiveness of such a discipline. The origin of yoga has its roots in India and is said to 
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Over the span of last tens of thousands of years, we human beings have been the most significant force of nature by virtue of our ingenuity and ability to adapt ourselves to any environment and change it to suit our needs with our imagination. Unlike 
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The foremost recognition of a thriving nation is its polished and upright legal system. Anything without the counsel of law is chaotic and today’s constantly convoluting society requires the participation and contribution of responsible citizens more than ever before. The first step towards a well-founded 
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