Yearly Archives: 2017

May we think of freedom, not as the right to do as we please, but as opportunity to do what is right” as accurately said by Peter Marshall applies to the present day state of affairs in India. Freed by man with a vision and 
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India is a huge country ! this is true even though country whose area is more than twice of it exist, still it could come up at 7th in area and 2nd in population. on 15th August 2017, India is celebrating its 70 years-7 decades 
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See the world’s largest democracy celebrating its seventy years of excellence, happiness, success, prosperity , growth ,development and achievements . Tracing the past I explored the evidences pointing to the exploitation we faced. But look , today we have reached the peak of success. Grit 
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Learning together is collaborative learning. Learning does not take place so much in solitude as it takes place in the company of others. In fact learning together is both easier and more enjoyable. It s more productive as it is the result of interaction of 
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Education looks for freedom from illiteracy, where crops are looking for freedom from droughts. “The achievement we celebrate today is but a step, an opening of opportunity, to the greater triumphs and achievements that await us. Are we brave enough and wise enough to grasp 
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Life is never certain, it always seems to change like the tide. You can never be sure that any person will not leave your side. So live life to the fullest like there’s no tomorrow. But always be prepared to fight away unexpected sorrow. Never 
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We would be celebrating 70th year of our Independence. It’s time that we the students of the present generation should never forget the turmoil that our ancestors went through to make our country independent. We must be grateful to all those who laid down their 
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I’m trying to be alone but not lonely, Because in the end it’s me only Who’ll be accountable for me And it’s me who’ll be responsible. I don’t know why I’d rather say with a sigh, It’s so important to share my problem With people 
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I am a big fan of fiction books and movies. I love immersingmyself in a beautiful, mystical world of magic and witchcraft, or a horrible dystopian society where people are fighting and rebelling against oppressive governments in the future. Occasionally, I find myself roleplaying as 
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I was sitting and looking at nature’s glow, Thinking that this is how life should flow . Full of youth, energy and colours, These should be the lives ingredients and fillers. No matter whether tides are high or low, No matter how strong the wind 
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