Yearly Archives: 2019

The scope of education pertains to a lot more than acquiring knowledge. Beyond the lessons and the books, education also lays the foundation of character and makes the path of the future brighter. When it comes to holistic development, confidence building is one of the 
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Cthe academic,as well as professional success, follows by default. This is the concept that we, at K.R. Mangalam World School, stood by while catering education to our pupils. We make learning more comprehensive and easy to grasp for the tender minds in order to fetch 
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The exam season is on, and it is time of the year when most of those cute faces seem to be withered away with stress and tension. At K.R. Mangalam School, we believe that the exams must not bother you; instead, you should be in 
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You must have often heard that our children are our future. How true is that! Our children have the power to change the world for the better. This is why it is necessary that we make the young minds aware of their social responsibility towards 
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The new budding generation of students requires not just academic education but creative skills development and knowledge acquisition through interactive new ways of learning. As such, it has become imperative for schools to set up quality education with good infrastructure and facilities so that the 
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Dedicated hours of study and a rigorous routine is not always enough to ensure academic achievements for a student. It takes a lot more than just books to excel in the educational domain. It is, indeed, a proven fact that health being one of the 
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It is a dream of every parent to see their children scoring top ranks in exams. But for that to happen, a very important element is the concentration power of kids. Limited period studies with 100% concentration are always better than unnecessary long hours of 
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In spite of being one of the most recurring mistakes that most people tend to ignore or underplay, the habit of lying in children is one of the most destructive and degenerative to the human physique. It is most usually seen in youngsters who once 
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When it comes to studies, the time we dedicate on the learning and the approach we follow are the two major aspects of the end result. Well, we all have limited time at our hand,but the thing we can modify for better results is the 
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Lifestyle-oriented diseases are on the rise in the 21st century. The swing in our regular habits and life routines has largely contributed to an increase in such a health threat. Obesity is one of the serious health conditions that threaten people’s chances of healthy living. 
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