Author: KRMWS

Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory. – Dr. Seuss It’s strange to think that in less than a year, on coming home we won’t be greeted by the question “How was school today?” rather “What did 
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Life and literature are not two separate things. Creative literature grows out of the realities of life and that life without creativity, has no inner significance. Literature is a trail, blazed by the human spirit ‘voyaging through strange seas of thought, alone’. The power of 
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Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that uses the standard internet protocol suite to link several billion devices worldwide. In other words, it is a network of networks. Nowadays, people are highly addicted to internet. We use internet for anything and everything! 
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Once there was a very successful and famous writer. He was challenged by one of his fan that can he write a poem on a bird? He accepted the challenge happily. He spent many days thinking on it but was unable to write anything. So, 
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India is the epitome of culture, moral and value which stands out as a pedestal of our ever-growing progress . Even as we grow fast and slow the roots of our core are still linked with ground. Seventyyears ago we started out as a country 
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India And We Are Proud Indians To Complete 70 Years Of Indepence.The Only Way We Can Appreciate Our Grounds Is If We Understand Our History.To Have An Open Eye And Ear To The Roots That Became The Backbone Of Where We Stand TodayTo commemorate the 
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‘Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing’- Arundhati Roy As we move ahead with the slogans of “Save the Girl Child” and “Women Empowerment”, I strongly feel proud of the achievements of 
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From “Simon go back” to adapting the Western culture we have come a long way. In this glorious journey of seventy years India has witnessed amalgamation of love, betrayal, hatred ,partition and the dominance of Britishers .When India was born its Limbs were cut- Pakistan 
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At the stroke of today’s midnight hour, when the world sleeps, India will awake to life and freedom”, said Jawahar Lal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of India, on 15th August 1947 after the country got freedom from the British rule. Today we are celebrating 
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Long years ago, we made a “Tryst With Destiny” and started our quest to shape the future of democratic India. The tradition of democracy is not alien to us now because of our choice of a constitution that was built on ethos. What amazes the 
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